In America you can just walk into a pet supplies store and choose the cat you wanna take home with you, unbelievable but true. And sad! The cats just sit in their little cages the whole day, waiting for an employee to come around and let them out for 15 mins in a room, that could actually count as a big cage with glass walls, so that potential future cat holder can watch them. It's awfull! But I'm glad we at least saved one of those sad creatures!
Actually I don't even understand why they decided to let him have a cat, because obviously, he's not even capable to take care of his little hamster "CHUBBY". And by the way: Russ hates cats! He said that several times while the caretaker of Benny was still in the room.. Why would you give a cat, which was with an old lady since his birth and then in another family, which had several cats with just one litter box, to a new family, which has a family member that hates cats? Isn't that just irresponsible?
Well now we have him here and he is just adorable, but after he lived with an old lady for about 7 years it's hard to make him get used to a loud and noisy child, which is after him the whole time to make him "play" ;)
But another newsflash: Now MARK thinks about giving him back to the animal shelter (although he was the one, who talked Russ into this whole cat-thing). But not because he bites Douglas or destroys the furniture.. No, because Benny sheds to much and his litter box smells and he doesn't want the family to be bound because of a cat...
SERIOUSLY!?!?!?! These are things you maybe should have thought about TWICE before getting the cat? Of course you'd be bound.. it's not a stuffed animal and of course it would smell a little bit. What about air freshener?
Wow really.. only after 4 days! It's just crazy. They treat him like a toy, that you can just return, without any problems, as long as you have the receipt.
It's so sad, because that's actually the case here in the states. One signature and the cat can go back where it came from. :(
Well, I keep hoping that, they'll make up their mind, if not, I'll bring Benny home with me, because we actually bonded. He's so happy and thankful and it's not like he can help himself from shedding. Poor little baby :(
Keep your fingers crossed! :)
1 Kommentare:
Ahhh wie cute :*****
Hast euer Kätzchen denn schon einen Namen?
Was,bei dir sind es 13 Grad? Schäme dich da drüben hinterm Teich!!
Liiiieb dich süße :** <3
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